Anggap saja kopi adalah kehidupan, sedangkan pekerjaan, posisi, status, dan uang adalah cangkir-cangkir yang kalian pakai. Kalian terlalu sibuk memilih cangkir-cangkir dan lupa menikmati kopi yang diberikan oleh Tuhan secara cuma-cuma. Cangkir apapun yang kalian gunakan, sebenarnya rasa kopi itu masih nikmat. Tanpa kalian perlu memilih-milih atau menginginkan cangkir orang lain.
besok, 27 September - 4 Oktober, mau Ulangan Tengah Semester atau bahasa rakyatnya, MID.
wish me luck bloggies.. semoga dapet nilai bagus.. diberi ingatan yang tajam dalam mengingat pelajaran..
sayang, aku nggak belum belajar maksimal. Jumat malem ada rapat, Sabtu malem ada pertemuan remaja, minggu pagi ini, didandanin buat jaga buku tamu di nikahan saudara. huft. capeknya.
eh. seandainya jaga buku tamu itu jadi sebuah pekerjaan yang dibayar, uang jajanku tambah deh. haha aku belum jadi dandan buat ikut MakeUp Contestnya ASIAN BEAUTIFIER nie.. padahal closes at 2 October. Bude ku sibuk terus sih. haha..
see you later at least at 4 October bloggies..
wish me luck bloggies.. semoga dapet nilai bagus.. diberi ingatan yang tajam dalam mengingat pelajaran..
sayang, aku nggak belum belajar maksimal. Jumat malem ada rapat, Sabtu malem ada pertemuan remaja, minggu pagi ini, didandanin buat jaga buku tamu di nikahan saudara. huft. capeknya.
eh. seandainya jaga buku tamu itu jadi sebuah pekerjaan yang dibayar, uang jajanku tambah deh. haha aku belum jadi dandan buat ikut MakeUp Contestnya ASIAN BEAUTIFIER nie.. padahal closes at 2 October. Bude ku sibuk terus sih. haha..
see you later at least at 4 October bloggies..
we made a scrapbook for our best friends..
Faizana Izzahasni
(say hi! to her HERE)
actually, her birthday was 31st August, so late huh? haha
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Me, Dewi, and Hanum at my room |
here are some shoot of the scrapbook..
looooveeee you gals..
Funny Face Beauty Giveaway
hei, more about giveaway..
here is Alicia from Funny Face Beauty..
she celebrate her 300+ followers.. many gifts she give in her giveaway..
here is Alicia from Funny Face Beauty..
she celebrate her 300+ followers.. many gifts she give in her giveaway..
check them out HERE..
don't be late to join the giveaway, it closes at 10 October..
wish me luck guys..
Study Hard
yeah, today is 17th September, 2010.. two days left before i come back to school.. back to the busyness of studying.. back to the busy routine.. back to the busy schedule..
my daily routine will be : home - school - extra lesson (maksudku les, bimbel atau privat) - home - take a rest - do homework - studying (again) - finally, sleep.
monotonous, huh?
kapan maen coba? minggu? paling2 banyak ikut try out..
yah, itulah alasan kenapa tiviku yang bagus itu jarang disetel. nggak ada yang nonton. paling ayah pagi nonton berita, aghna sore-sore nonton kartun, ibu malem nonton sinetron.
yaah, mau gimana lagi.. udah kelas tiga ini. harus belajar extra. uan aja Maret. i am not ready yet, for now..
rencana pengen ikut PBU UGM, yang nggak pake tes, pake nilai rapot.
aku bilang bapak : 'yah, coba PBU ya?"
ayah : 'yang apa itu? kalau yang bayar mahal itu, nggak usah.'
aku : 'bukan, yang pake nilai rapot."
ayah : 'oooo.. ya nggak papa, coba aja. eh, tapi nilai rapotmu bagus pho?'
--" JEDEEEENG... gubraaak... *jadi mikir juga sih, iyaya, rapotku pas-pasan.
aku ini anak IPA. yang punya banyak buku tentang masalah, mulai dari masalah tentang matematika dasar, masalah fisika, masalah kimia, dan masalah matematika keriting.
kalo lagi ujian ya.. waktu aku kelas X, merhatiin kakak kelas, anak IPS kayaknya ngerjain soal nggak sampai bel 'teeet' terus tarik-tarikan sama guru, 'bentar bu, bentar pak, bentar, bentaaaaar'. wreeek.. sobek deh tu kertas..
anak IPA, selama ujian berlangsung, nunduk terus, bungkuk-bungkuk deh mikirin rumus. eheem, pernah waktu kelas X juga, mau tanya soal ke kakak kelas anak IPA yang duduk disebelahku, tapi nggak jadi, nggak ada kesempatan. bukan karena yang jaga killer, tapi mbaknya sibuuuuk banget. kasian ngeliatnya.
tuing.tuing, terbayang deh, besok aku gini juga nggak ya..
jawabannya : 'IYA'. eh, yo nggak juga ding, aku nggak nunduk terus kok,pegel nie punggung. apalagi klo udah mau abis jamnya, paling cuma ngolat-ngolet, corat-coret kertas soal, bukannya udah selesai, tapi udah mentok. --" kasian deh..
waktu SMP, UAN math, aku dapet 10 !
i want that again ! aku berharap ada angka sempurna di nilai UAN SMA besok. satu saja sudah cukup. semua alhamdulillah banget. setidaknya lulus. aamiin..
makanya, biar bisa lulus terus masuk UGM, i must study hard, right? yeah.. \m/
kalo di bimbel kelas IPA : semoga semua masuk kedokteran atau tekhnik ya..
kompak kebanyakan bilang : aamiin..
aku : emm.. :0
tanya : 'mau masuk jurusan apa emang?'
jawab : 'sastra inggris'
tanya : 'kenapa?'
jawab : 'languange is everything, we can go anywhere we want if we can handle any language. that's what my father said.'
sebenernya pengen International Relationship. tapi kok lebih bagus English ya prospeknya. besok deh, S2 nya IR, mungkin jadi lebih gampang, karena udah menguasai English.
MY DREAM (for now) : an AMBASSADOR or paling enggak kerja di embassy (bukan jadi cs atau ob ya!), a translator of many books, especially international best seller books or novels, so i can work at home while taking care of my child, my family, a translator of a film, cartoon film i hope, and be a dubber will be fun, an English teacher at school or at bimbel, an entrepreneur, having cafe and shop with my husband.
when i tell my physic private teacher bahwa aku mau masuk sastra inggris, he said to me : 'kalo mau daftar kerja yang butuh bisa bahasa inggris nggak perlu sampai sarjana, pake sertifikat bimbel aja bisa. klo yang susah, misal kayak aku fisika, kalo cuma bisa tapi nggak ada gelar sarjana, tetep nggak akan diakui.'
jawaban mas-nya makes me think, iya juga ya.. kenapa aku ngambil inggris?
i find the answer, on my way home from school at my motorcycle, i send him a message (udah agak lupa sih isinya gimana):'aku nggak mau cuma bisa. aku mau jadi yang mengeluarkan sertifikat itu. aku mau jadi guru sekolah atau bimbel. i want to be a person who can make others said 'i can speak english'.
thats all for now i think. this have been so long post.
after 20th september, 2010, maybe i will be rarely updating this blog.
wish me luck guys.. dan kuat menghadapi semua.. dan LULUS! dan keterima di sastra inggris jalur PBU! aaaamiiiin..
my daily routine will be : home - school - extra lesson (maksudku les, bimbel atau privat) - home - take a rest - do homework - studying (again) - finally, sleep.
monotonous, huh?
kapan maen coba? minggu? paling2 banyak ikut try out..
yah, itulah alasan kenapa tiviku yang bagus itu jarang disetel. nggak ada yang nonton. paling ayah pagi nonton berita, aghna sore-sore nonton kartun, ibu malem nonton sinetron.
yaah, mau gimana lagi.. udah kelas tiga ini. harus belajar extra. uan aja Maret. i am not ready yet, for now..
rencana pengen ikut PBU UGM, yang nggak pake tes, pake nilai rapot.
aku bilang bapak : 'yah, coba PBU ya?"
ayah : 'yang apa itu? kalau yang bayar mahal itu, nggak usah.'
aku : 'bukan, yang pake nilai rapot."
ayah : 'oooo.. ya nggak papa, coba aja. eh, tapi nilai rapotmu bagus pho?'
--" JEDEEEENG... gubraaak... *jadi mikir juga sih, iyaya, rapotku pas-pasan.
aku ini anak IPA. yang punya banyak buku tentang masalah, mulai dari masalah tentang matematika dasar, masalah fisika, masalah kimia, dan masalah matematika keriting.
kalo lagi ujian ya.. waktu aku kelas X, merhatiin kakak kelas, anak IPS kayaknya ngerjain soal nggak sampai bel 'teeet' terus tarik-tarikan sama guru, 'bentar bu, bentar pak, bentar, bentaaaaar'. wreeek.. sobek deh tu kertas..
anak IPA, selama ujian berlangsung, nunduk terus, bungkuk-bungkuk deh mikirin rumus. eheem, pernah waktu kelas X juga, mau tanya soal ke kakak kelas anak IPA yang duduk disebelahku, tapi nggak jadi, nggak ada kesempatan. bukan karena yang jaga killer, tapi mbaknya sibuuuuk banget. kasian ngeliatnya.
tuing.tuing, terbayang deh, besok aku gini juga nggak ya..
jawabannya : 'IYA'. eh, yo nggak juga ding, aku nggak nunduk terus kok,pegel nie punggung. apalagi klo udah mau abis jamnya, paling cuma ngolat-ngolet, corat-coret kertas soal, bukannya udah selesai, tapi udah mentok. --" kasian deh..
waktu SMP, UAN math, aku dapet 10 !
i want that again ! aku berharap ada angka sempurna di nilai UAN SMA besok. satu saja sudah cukup. semua alhamdulillah banget. setidaknya lulus. aamiin..
makanya, biar bisa lulus terus masuk UGM, i must study hard, right? yeah.. \m/
kalo di bimbel kelas IPA : semoga semua masuk kedokteran atau tekhnik ya..
kompak kebanyakan bilang : aamiin..
aku : emm.. :0
tanya : 'mau masuk jurusan apa emang?'
jawab : 'sastra inggris'
tanya : 'kenapa?'
jawab : 'languange is everything, we can go anywhere we want if we can handle any language. that's what my father said.'
sebenernya pengen International Relationship. tapi kok lebih bagus English ya prospeknya. besok deh, S2 nya IR, mungkin jadi lebih gampang, karena udah menguasai English.
MY DREAM (for now) : an AMBASSADOR or paling enggak kerja di embassy (bukan jadi cs atau ob ya!), a translator of many books, especially international best seller books or novels, so i can work at home while taking care of my child, my family, a translator of a film, cartoon film i hope, and be a dubber will be fun, an English teacher at school or at bimbel, an entrepreneur, having cafe and shop with my husband.
when i tell my physic private teacher bahwa aku mau masuk sastra inggris, he said to me : 'kalo mau daftar kerja yang butuh bisa bahasa inggris nggak perlu sampai sarjana, pake sertifikat bimbel aja bisa. klo yang susah, misal kayak aku fisika, kalo cuma bisa tapi nggak ada gelar sarjana, tetep nggak akan diakui.'
jawaban mas-nya makes me think, iya juga ya.. kenapa aku ngambil inggris?
i find the answer, on my way home from school at my motorcycle, i send him a message (udah agak lupa sih isinya gimana):'aku nggak mau cuma bisa. aku mau jadi yang mengeluarkan sertifikat itu. aku mau jadi guru sekolah atau bimbel. i want to be a person who can make others said 'i can speak english'.
thats all for now i think. this have been so long post.
after 20th september, 2010, maybe i will be rarely updating this blog.
wish me luck guys.. dan kuat menghadapi semua.. dan LULUS! dan keterima di sastra inggris jalur PBU! aaaamiiiin..
Live in Train
looooveeee Taylor Swift.. she sings as beautiful as her looks..
last year, she was singing in the subway train that led toward the place where the VMA was so creative and soo energic.. give a minute to watch..
last year, she was singing in the subway train that led toward the place where the VMA was so creative and soo energic.. give a minute to watch..
Pashmina Tutorial
exploring Hana Tajima's blog : Style Covered and found this pashmina tutorial by her.. i love her style.. and since i was started love to use pashmina, so excited to try her style..
here's the link..
wanted to buy or make this kind of jumpsuit..
here's the link..
wanted to buy or make this kind of jumpsuit..
have a nice day bloggies.. see ya..
One Stop
Yesterday, my family and i went to Muntilan, Magelang. visited bu Nyai Dalhar..
biasanya ujung-ujungnya tu ke Lempuyangan, Krapyak, Ngrukem, terus Muntilan. but, hari senin itu, cuma ke Lempuyangan dan Krapyak. dikarenakan pakde ada tamu dari jauh.
nha, kemairn itu ke Muntilan thok. i just want to share some pics.. haha *more pics and pics..
still about the stylist mommy, kak Mita and her baby Vikram and her husband kak Fadli..
i looooovee my family !!
biasanya ujung-ujungnya tu ke Lempuyangan, Krapyak, Ngrukem, terus Muntilan. but, hari senin itu, cuma ke Lempuyangan dan Krapyak. dikarenakan pakde ada tamu dari jauh.
nha, kemairn itu ke Muntilan thok. i just want to share some pics.. haha *more pics and pics..
still about the stylist mommy, kak Mita and her baby Vikram and her husband kak Fadli..
Zulla (my big sista), Me, Milla (my cousin) |
Stylist Mommy
do you know kak Ghaida from GDa's Gallery? a stylist wife and prospective mother, now she is on pregnant..
i love love her style.. and wanted to be as stylist as her later when i become a wife..


she doesn't have a blog yet.. but will have one soon.. hehe
i love love her style.. and wanted to be as stylist as her later when i become a wife..
now, talk about baby, my cousin, kak Mita have a baby too.. and i do love her style.. she live in Kalimantan with her husband and this Lebaran she going home, here in Jogja.. her baby, Vikram.. i ever posted about him in my previous post, HERE..
she doesn't have a blog yet.. but will have one soon.. hehe
Eid Mubarak 1431 H Quizzes
GIVEAWAY ! again !
Join this giveaway by post your best shot during Eid Mubarok OR send your best Eid Mubarok greeting..
i love giveaway.. ;D
First, Hijab Scarf and Miss Marina accessories would love to giving the readers 4 winners to win a lovely Prudence necklaces by Miss Marina.
Second, Hijab Scarf and Nuna's Koekjes would love to prepare 3 winners, each deserve to get 2 Nuna's special cookies.
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join HERE..
i already posted my best shot.. on the previous post, HERE..
wish mw luck guys..
Wreck This Journal Giveaway
i still do blogwalking among this Lebaran busyness.. and I found an interesting project..
a book from Keri Smith : Wreck This Journal..
Diana from Our City Lights and Justine from here we go. want to share that book for us.. "It's a great inspirational tool to spark up your creativity." said Justin.. They, Diana and Justine are going to do 3 pages a week, and post their pages on Sundays! They would love it if we joined on this adventure.
wish me luck bloggies..
Happy Ied Fitri 1431 H
First, i want to say : Selamat Hari Raya Idul FItri bloggies.. ;D
minal aidin wal faidzin.. mohon maaf lahir dan batin.. maafkan semua kesalahan yang pernah saya buat melalui blog ini atau yang pernah saya lakukan.. ;)
Second, so many stories this two days.. I'll tell you more later..
i want to share some pics about the Lebaran days..




that's all for now, i think..
later 'll post more..
have a nice holidays bloggies..
minal aidin wal faidzin.. mohon maaf lahir dan batin.. maafkan semua kesalahan yang pernah saya buat melalui blog ini atau yang pernah saya lakukan.. ;)
Second, so many stories this two days.. I'll tell you more later..
i want to share some pics about the Lebaran days..
me, my big sista, and my cousin wear this..
sorry, it's blur.. the other pics was in my cousin cellphone..
this is the second look.. wore the traditional green Kebaya, flowery skirt, paris hijab, SophieMartin bag..
with my lil sista.. she wore the hijab all day full !! and she wanted it herself!! yaaii.. ;D
my mom and my big sista..
like an angel,haa?
the lil was sooooo beautiful, right?
my lovely mommy and daddy..
it's traditionals food i found at some houses..
from left : old jar with enting-enting and kind of candy (i don't know the name), Kolang-Kaling satay, and old candies..

hey, and i just bought this at night before the Ied..
later 'll post more..
have a nice holidays bloggies..
Luchielicious Peacock Clutch
yiiihaaaa.. this is the first time i won a giveaway.. i won the peacock cluth from Luchielicious.. read my previous post about the giveaway..
my name is drawn.. read here..
can't wait for the clutch..
my name is drawn.. read here..
can't wait for the clutch..
Flowery Crochet
bought clothes, skirt, and hijab at Colombo, a traditional market with mom. got a nice price.
and then bought sandals atBata. My big sista, Zulla, and I have bought same sandals, me brown and she black.
this is the crochet hat with shawl.. cute haa?
and then bought sandals at
me and the big sista..
Ruffle bag from Sophie Martin, Plastic sandals from Bata
hope you all get the best dress for Lebaran..
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