Final Date
i love this wedding card invitation. looks natural and modern. not like the usual. i got this from *the sis and the bro.
want this one for my wedding card.
Hei! Siapa sih yang menyuruhmu harus tampil cantik? Kecantikan wajah di bawah mikroskop tak ubahnya sekedar sel-sel yang berjubel, monoton, dan akan mengganggu ketentraman rumah tangga orang. Sebab kau hanya gumpalan sel yang membentuk seperti keadaanmu sekarang. Atau sebaliknya, kau tak pernah tahu betapa rumitnya sel-sel tubuh itu ketika harus berkoordinasi dengan milyaran sel lain dalam tubuh. Maka kecantikanmu itu, yang bahkan tak terlihat oleh mikroskop, hanyalah subjektifitas mata yang terbatas.
Novel ABIOGENESIS karya Darsan, S.Pd.
pemenang Sayembara Penulisan Naskah Buku Bacaan Pusat Perbukuan DEPDIKNAS 2003
this quote membuatku berpikir..
mahal-mahal perawatan yang ada hanya untuk mempercantik bagian kulit wajah, sedangkan milyaran sel dibawahnya harus bekerja keras mencerna bahan-bahan kimia yang bejibun itu.
aku pribadi hanya menggunakan krim pelembab yang ada di iklan tv. belum pernah nyoba semacam perawatan gitu. mahal sih.. mending buat masak atau beli buku, hihi.. ;p
hei teman, rawatlah kulitmu sealami mungkin, coba buat sendiri masker dari buah dan sayur. jangan biarkan milyaran sel mu bekerja terlalu keras.
Busy Week
Jadwal minggu depan ( 26-31 Juli 2010) :
- Tiap hari masuk jam 6.30, kecuali Sabtu.
- Praktikum, sampai jam 4 hari Selasa dan Kamis, jam 3 hari Jumat.
- Les jam 2.30 hari Selasa, Kamis, Sabtu. Karena tentu saja lebih penting praktikum, jadinya kemungkinan les jam 4.30 pulang jam 6.30 atau jadi hari Senin, Rabu, dan Sabtu jam 2.30.
- Senin malam, katanya ada rapat remais ngomongin ramadhan, dan karena aku sekertaris, berarti aku sebaiknya berangkat.
- Oya, masih ada homework-homework yang harus diselesaikan.
harus tetep semangat..
Dear God, beri saya kemudahan, kekuatan, kesabaran, dan semangat. Mudahkan jalanku dalam belajar meraih UGM dan lulus UN. aamiin..
Mr. Burger
went to Mr. Burger near my school with DISH.
Ijah dapet some extra money from her mother, Mrs. Sofi. So, kita ditraktir Ijah. hihi
Terimakasih Ijah..
Aku nggak ikut makan di situ, langsung pulang soalnya udah ada janji sama temen.
Makan di Pempek Ulu Bundar deket Mekar, Jl. Kaliurang km 7. hmm, lebih enak dari Mr.Burger, hehe..
eh, sampai rumah, burgernya dimakan adek.
ada banyak yang ingin ku ceritakan, ku tulis. tapi akhir-akhir ini udah mulai sibuk. sekarang udah kelas 3 SMA. harus fokus belajar. dari kemarin juga bantuin ibu ngerjain tugas. haah..
miss posting on my lovely blog..
i'm sorry friends..
aku akan jarang update.. klo malem belajar, terus tidur.. sore les, istirahat.. huuuuaaaahh...
wish me luck guys..
miss posting on my lovely blog..
i'm sorry friends..
aku akan jarang update.. klo malem belajar, terus tidur.. sore les, istirahat.. huuuuaaaahh...
wish me luck guys..
Indonesia Raya
Hiduplah tanahku
Hiduplah negriku
Bangsaku Rakyatku semuanya
Bangunlah jiwanya
Bangunlah badannya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Hiduplah negriku
Bangsaku Rakyatku semuanya
Bangunlah jiwanya
Bangunlah badannya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya
Merdeka Merdeka
Tanahku negriku yang kucinta
Merdeka Merdeka
Tanahku negriku yang kucinta
Indonesia Raya
Merdeka Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya
-------------------------------------Merdeka Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya
Merinding bulu kuduk ku saat lagu kebangsaan ini dinyanyikan tadi pagi bersama seluruh warga sekolah di kelas masing-masing. Bersama teman satu kelas, kami berdiri, menyanyikan lagu ciptaan WR Supratman ini dengan khidmat diiringi instrumen yang terdengar dari speaker. Rasanya ingin menitikkan air mata. Benar-benar merinding.
Mulai tahun pelajaran baru ini, sekolah saya, SMA N 2 Yogyakarta, membuat kebijakan baru untuk meningkatkan keNasionalismean para siswanya. Tiap pagi sebelum pelajaran dimulai, semua murid di kelas masing-masing wajib menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya dipandu guru pertama yang masuk kelas. Melalui speaker yang ada di tiap kelas, dilantunkan instrumen Indonesia Raya. Sedangkan pada saat jam terkhir berakhir, wajib menyanyikan lagu Bagimu Negeri.
Nggak tau kenpa, tadi kok aku merinding ya.. Rasanya pengen nangis..
What I Wanted
I want a new pocket camera !
That green one is cute !
My current camera, the shots quality is not too good.
Or a profesional camera like this.
But, this one is too expensive for me.
You know, i'm saving my coins. Until now, I've collected three coins savings banks (ha? what is that? I mean celengan)
I know, that's not enough yet to buy a Canon Ixus 105 (the green), the price is Rp. 1.799.000,- until 18 July. After that, Rp. 2.300.000,-.
I can't ask my father to buy one for me. Next year, the expenses is too much. I entered university, while my big sista entered Senior High School.
Dear GOD,
let me saving my money for my education and for this things that I wanted. Resist my desire on the unimportant things. Facilitates me. Simplify me.
Last Sunday, i went to tradisional market with my mom. She wants to buy peanut, to make boiled peanuts.
The price range is between 6000. And the price should not be negotiable. my mom try to bargain, but it didn't work.
Then, my mom said, " Di sebelah sana aja boleh kok 5500."
The old woman answer, " Nggeh empun, nek ten mrika angsal, tumbas mrika mawon buk"
mom, --a
hihi.. got you mom ! finally, bought the peanuts there, at the old woman.
The price range is between 6000. And the price should not be negotiable. my mom try to bargain, but it didn't work.
Then, my mom said, " Di sebelah sana aja boleh kok 5500."
The old woman answer, " Nggeh empun, nek ten mrika angsal, tumbas mrika mawon buk"
mom, --a
hihi.. got you mom ! finally, bought the peanuts there, at the old woman.
Final FIFA 2010
Midnight at 00.30 WIB the final of World Cup will be held.
And me? Ready to sleep after posting this. Not too care about soccer.
Image via Wikipedia
And me? Ready to sleep after posting this. Not too care about soccer.
Saturday, 10 July 2010
My dad has a fish pond in Plosokuning village.
Yesterday, my dad's friend from Primagama, where he work, had a arisan, its like social gathering, it was held at the pond.
You can fishing and then bring the fish home or frying the fish there and eat together.
he is Ahmadi, who clean up the fish
Here's the food..
and its me..
my sister and I
my uncle
alhamdulillah.. nothing is going wrong..
Last Holiday
Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is Saturday.
It means today is the last day for holiday and tomorrow is time to go back to school.
Go to Toko Merah and buy some stationery and book.
Have a great breakfast with Fried Rice.
I fry the egg without oil. The egg looks nice.
Dear God, alhamdulillah for this holiday. Although i didn't go somewhere WOW, i have much time with my family. i have much time to take a rest. wish i have great experience at my last grade on SMA. wish You simplify my way to study and get my dream and, especially, to pass UAN. aamiin..
It means today is the last day for holiday and tomorrow is time to go back to school.
Go to Toko Merah and buy some stationery and book.
Have a great breakfast with Fried Rice.
I fry the egg without oil. The egg looks nice.
Dear God, alhamdulillah for this holiday. Although i didn't go somewhere WOW, i have much time with my family. i have much time to take a rest. wish i have great experience at my last grade on SMA. wish You simplify my way to study and get my dream and, especially, to pass UAN. aamiin..
FKY Vredeburg
Wednesday, 7 Juli 2010, Hari terakhir FKY
Ada Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta di Benteng Vredeburg. Memamerkan banyak karya seni, seperti lukisan dan patung. Juga pameran Usaha Kecil Menengah, kerajinan-kerajinan buatan tangan, homemade gitu. Ada juga panggung dangdutnya.
Nggak foto-foto. Soalnya cuma berdua.
love art.
Ada Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta di Benteng Vredeburg. Memamerkan banyak karya seni, seperti lukisan dan patung. Juga pameran Usaha Kecil Menengah, kerajinan-kerajinan buatan tangan, homemade gitu. Ada juga panggung dangdutnya.
Nggak foto-foto. Soalnya cuma berdua.
love art.
Monday, 5 July 2010
Diner at Raminten,Jl. FM Noto No. 7 Kotabaru Yogyakarta, belakang SMA N 3 Yogyakarta.
Ditraktir sama mbak Dita dan mas Emqi. Terimakasih..
Raminten is a great restaurant. Mulai dari nasi kucing dua ribuan sampai yang ayam goreng yang mahal pun ada. The food was not too WOW. Usual food. But, the beverages was Great. Ada susu perawan tancep, gelasnya berbentuk dada cewek, hmm, risih ngliatnya, hehe.. Kelapa muda, dan dawetnya enak. Gelasnya, GEDE banget. Bisa deh dijadiian akuarium buat satu ikan gitu. hihi. Dimakan sendiri ngak abis deh. Kemarin buat bareng-bareng. Ada juga Wedang Serai yang gelasnya PUANJANG, nggak dikasih sedotan, cuma sebatang serai. Tapi waktu itu abis. Kecewa. :o
Kemarin kita dateng jam 8.30an. Karena Raminten itu rame banget. Kita nunggu sampai jam 10an baru dapet kursi. Sebaiknya kalau mau kesana malem, booking dulu deh. Nunggu makanannya juga lama.
Oya, pelayannya yang cewek cuma pakai kemben gitu, seksi deh. Yang cowok juga pakai jarik, atasannya kaos putih biasanya. Rumornya sih disitu tempat maho gitu.
Di menu juga ada gini "Perawatan Tubuh Tradisional Khusus Pria. Meet by order." hmm..
Kursinya nyaman. But, i don't like the smeel of the incense [dupa].
mbak Dita and mas Emqi
Me, Mila, and Zula
Yafi and Bili
susu perawan tancep
wish sometime can be there again. i want to try wedang serai.
Bakso Tulang Muda
Tonight, I have dinner at Bakso Tulang Muda, near Pasar Kolombo, Jalan Kaliurang.
Hmm.. The meatball is so-so.. not bad, not good..
love to try new restaurant.
Hmm.. The meatball is so-so.. not bad, not good..
love to try new restaurant.
The World's Greatest
This song inspired me. Give me the spirit. That I was born to be the world's greatest !
I love the lyrics.
I am a mountain
I am a tall tree
Ohhh, I am a swift wind
Sweepin' the country
I am a river
Down in the valley
Ohhh, I am a vision
And I can see clearly If anybody asks u who I am
Just stand up tall look 'em in the Face and say
I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the worlds greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my backs against the ropes
I can feel it mmm
I'm the worlds greatest
I am a giant
I am an eagle
I am a lion
Down in the jungle
I am a marchin' band
I am the people
I am a helpin' hand
And I am a hero
If anybody asks u who I am
Just stand up tall look 'em in the Face and say
In the ring of life I'll reign love
And the world will notice a king
When all is darkest, I'll shine a light
And use a success you'll find in me
I saw the light
At the end of a tunnel
Believe in the pot of gold
At the end of the rainbow
And faith was right there
To pull me through, yeah
Used to be locked doors
Now I can just walk on through
Hey, uh, hey, hey, hey
It's the greatest
I'm that star up in the sky
I am a tall tree
Ohhh, I am a swift wind
Sweepin' the country
I am a river
Down in the valley
Ohhh, I am a vision
And I can see clearly If anybody asks u who I am
Just stand up tall look 'em in the Face and say
I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the worlds greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my backs against the ropes
I can feel it mmm
I'm the worlds greatest
I am a giant
I am an eagle
I am a lion
Down in the jungle
I am a marchin' band
I am the people
I am a helpin' hand
And I am a hero
If anybody asks u who I am
Just stand up tall look 'em in the Face and say
In the ring of life I'll reign love
And the world will notice a king
When all is darkest, I'll shine a light
And use a success you'll find in me
I saw the light
At the end of a tunnel
Believe in the pot of gold
At the end of the rainbow
And faith was right there
To pull me through, yeah
Used to be locked doors
Now I can just walk on through
Hey, uh, hey, hey, hey
It's the greatest
I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the worlds greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my backs against the ropes
I can feel it mmm I'm the worlds greatest !
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the worlds greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my backs against the ropes
I can feel it mmm I'm the worlds greatest !
Go Green with Yellow !
You know what??
I feel very proud, when I bring my own bag for shopping.
I have done a little thing to save my Earth now.
Wish I can do a big thing someday. aamiinn.. :)
hei, foto di atas aku upload ke GADIS, semoga bisa menang, dapet Kacamata Kelvin Klein atau Kacamata Spex Symbol atau Jam Tangan PUMA.. aamiinn :)
Succes or Failure
Many years ago, many people already successful or failed before us.
Now, look at their daily activities, look how they live, look how they learn, look how they work.
Success or failure is really not a mystery which people do not know.
Succes or failure is depends on your choice, whether you will follow Mr. Success or Mr. Failure.
Getting Old
someone said to my father, I forgot who.. " Lek, kok ra disemir e rambut e? Wes putih-putih, hehe.." (Om, kok nggak disemir rambutnya? Udah putih-putih, hehe..)
[kurang lebih gitu deh]
my father answered "Woolaa, le nunggu e 40 tahun e ben putih, malah disemir." (Woolaa, nunggunya aja 40 tahun, malah mau disemir)
hihi, lucunya Ayahku..
He's right. White hair is cool.. hihi
[kurang lebih gitu deh]
my father answered "Woolaa, le nunggu e 40 tahun e ben putih, malah disemir." (Woolaa, nunggunya aja 40 tahun, malah mau disemir)
hihi, lucunya Ayahku..
He's right. White hair is cool.. hihi
Butik Cinta Fitri
Hei, tau sinetron Cinta Fitri yang di SCTV kn? yang udah sampai season 5? yang banyak penggemarnya? yang ibu-ibu suka? yang ada Teungku Wisnu idola ibu-ibu? hihi
I found this boutique !!
I found this boutique !!
Butik Cinta Fitri
I guess the owner was so fanatic to Cinta Fitri.. hihi
4 Juli 2010
Frestival sampai ke Jogja. Diadakan di Lapangan Denggung, Sleman tanggal 3-4 Juli.
Thats a nice food festival. But the food is not WOW.. Same as usual we found. Lke Mr. Burger, Big Burger, CrisCres, Tela-Tela, etc. Tapi suasananya bagus banget buat foto. Sayang, kameranya nggak fit. Baterainya habis. Karena pake kamera hape, hasilnya nggak maksimal. hmm..
Oya, disana ada Gading Martin, Irfan Hakim, sama VJ Sarah. Kemana mereka pergi, diikutin sama para pengunjung. hedeh.. Imagine, kalau nggak ada yang ngikutin gitu, gondok nggak ya artisnya?? hihi ;p
Ada beberapa stand permainan, kita harus beli Frestea dulu kalau mau main. Ada magician juga, peramal kartu tarot gitu juga ada.
Great sunday..
Frestival sampai ke Jogja. Diadakan di Lapangan Denggung, Sleman tanggal 3-4 Juli.
Thats a nice food festival. But the food is not WOW.. Same as usual we found. Lke Mr. Burger, Big Burger, CrisCres, Tela-Tela, etc. Tapi suasananya bagus banget buat foto. Sayang, kameranya nggak fit. Baterainya habis. Karena pake kamera hape, hasilnya nggak maksimal. hmm..
Oya, disana ada Gading Martin, Irfan Hakim, sama VJ Sarah. Kemana mereka pergi, diikutin sama para pengunjung. hedeh.. Imagine, kalau nggak ada yang ngikutin gitu, gondok nggak ya artisnya?? hihi ;p
Ada beberapa stand permainan, kita harus beli Frestea dulu kalau mau main. Ada magician juga, peramal kartu tarot gitu juga ada.
Great sunday..
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