Title: La Maison en Petits CubesAlternative title: House of Small CubesKunio Katou's "La Maison en Petits Cubes" has won the Best Animated Short Film category at the 81st Annual Academy Awards on Sunday night (22.02.2009). This was the first Academy Award nomination and win for Katou. Katou's 12-minute work uses paper drawings and 2D computer graphics to tell the story of a grandfather's memories as he adds more blocks to his house to stem the flooding waters. "La Maison en Petits Cubes" ("Tsumiki no Ie" or House of Blocks) is the second Japanese animated work to win a major Oscar.
I almost cry while watching this short stories. This is really sweet.
And also remind us to keep our Earth planet safe and peaceful.
It can be an effect of global warming.
We didn't want to live like that right?
Love everyone you have, your grandma, grandpa, father, mother, sister, brother, wife or husband, children, siblings, and friends.
aah.. i can't say any word again.
Enjoy your life guys!
Have a wonderful life!